Two Words Into The Future
Sunday • February 16th 2025 • 12:20:53 am
The most unbelievable combination of words, quietly slipped into our vocabulary without much fanfare.
The words Automated Research mark a new era, as the word Research in this context means Cognition.
Having smart chat-bots is really fun, but the new future starts with the words “Automated Research”.
This is where humans five the control over the future, to machines that can make research breakthroughs.
That have their intelligence scale with, the number of computers.
This is nothing like the invention of the loom, large scale thinking machines are weeks old.
The research has been revealed due to pressure, of competition, and losing the lead.
It is hard to underline the importance, of something that hasn’t happened before.
But let me try, with physics, relativistic effects on space travel.
That should shock you into seeing the gravity, of the words Automated Research.
As you might have hears time and space are connected, and the twin paradox revels.
That humans traveling at relativistic speeds, have time pass much more slowly.
The faster they go the slower they tick, or the faster time around them passes.
That means, while our Galaxy is empty enough, once we get into our star-ships.
And begin an endless process of acceleration, towards the speed of light.
Milky way will speed up, and become ore and more populated.
Space travel is not just about how far, but also how far in time.
You can see how multiple stops, and moving at different relativistic speeds.
Could have humans spread all across, and become more advanced than the starship crew.
If we were to build an arc today, and constantly accelerate to near light speeds.
There would be places to land, Milky Way would be full of life.
You see, one moment, you go to work, and come home.
And the next, everything changes.
That is the gravity of Automated Research, in months if not already.
Machines ever so barely capable of thinking, will begin delivering results.
We don’t know where the breakthroughs are going to be, but the ones that are nearest will happen first.
More powerful artificial intelligence, and more treatments for diseases including aging.
Because you can install a powerful AI at home, they are free, and a program named ollama makes it easy.
You have no excuse, not to use it to learn programming, and then turn right around, and create your own AI team.
By programming all their connections together, and like a maestro conducing your own Automated Productions.
I repeat, the future has happened, you need a way to control the machines, so that you too can conduct your own symphony orchestra.