Learn Programming First! Don’t Let Ghouls And Ineffective Education Trick You Out Of Your Future
Learn Programming First! Don’t Let Ghouls And Ineffective Education Trick You Out Of Your Future

Saturday • August 24th 2024 • 11:39:01 pm

Learn Programming First! Don’t Let Ghouls And Ineffective Education Trick You Out Of Your Future

Saturday • August 24th 2024 • 11:39:01 pm

Don’t listen to uneducated ghouls lying that, AI will replace programmers.

They talk like this because they fear you, they fear competition, and brilliance and dreamers.

They fear more innovation, that will out compete and out think them.

You are the future, they are the past.

You must make the ghouls, tremble in fear,

Don’t let teachers trick you into cramming, or memorization, or un-integrated knowledge.

They just want to put food on their table, and they don’t care if they ruin your mind doing so.

Don’t let schools threaten you with bad grades, or bad GPA that will ruin your future.

Make your own future, by learning programming on your won.

And by inventing new technologies, and new ways to getting computers to do stuff.

Do not let the old stand in the way of the new, the ghouls aught to bow to you.

It is your future, not theirs, their future if the inauthentic world you see today.

The world that forgot the power of wisdom, and the promise of effective education.

A culture that sees world peace, as whatever the TV told them to see it as.

Leave the world of their making, to them, let them choke on their own mediocrity.

You, you rise, from built-in functions, strings and arrays, to custom functions, ifs and loops.

Objects, signals, reactive programming, User Interface Design and Browser Applications.

Stand on the shoulders of giants, and don’t look back at the small minded.

Their infantile wants, and twisted fantasies and secrets, and pursuits of what didn’t matter.

While stealing, what they didn’t earn, and thus would never understand - holds progress back.

This is not your world, this is a world of the past.

Show the ghouls that they cannot make you poor, and let them fear the unknown.

Your world, is the world of the future.

A world of learning functional knowledge, and crossing great trails whist listening to philosophers.

The world of the future demands, that you grow all the way up.

All the way, until you become a great being.

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