But Isn’t Camping In The Woods Boring?
Thursday • January 16th 2025 • 1:13:35 am
You are supposed to bring a couple of solar chargers, extra batteries, backups, and your narrated book collection, especially adventure books.
And then it really does not matter what you do, because, you are traveling all over the world living through dozens of adventures.
This is not because the woods are boring, but it is because the woods bring you peace, and heal you from stress.
At which point, your mind becomes greater, and you begin wishing for learning about life changing things.
So stress and fears of homelessness and poverty, bullies, liars, mostly disable our growing up, and adventure can fix it all up.
But you have to stay a month or longer, two weeks does nothing, later you learn that two months does nothing.
You need 50/50 six months of running around, and then six months of adventure.
After a few years, you will notice, that the first six months requires a lot of work and produces littler results.
Where each time you return from hiking and camping beautiful trails, you have grown.
You become more intelligent, more creative, more of who you really are, when you are safe and complete.
Books are the first things to come to mind, and narrated books in the woods, are just magical.
When you are stressed out and scared, or always pushed, you become psychologically other than you really are.
When you are allowed to be, on the trails, or camp on the dunes, or live by a lake, your mental state return to normal.
And I dare say you start becoming a Philosopher, not only do you develop a love for wisdom, but also a terrible sense of humor.
A Laughing Philosopher, is absolutely, one of the most powerful creatures in all of the universe, past and future.
You should also know, you must never force someone to do this, there is a large psychological shift involved here.
You can ring someone for a day of hiking, it is a beautiful gift if you take care of all the details.
But never beg, force, bait, or trick someone, if they are not ready, then the woods can’t put them back together.
They will just perceive the adventure as more manipulation and arm twisting, that is very unfair, and even unfair to the woods.
You should never tarnish a path to health in someone, by forcing them on it.
It is very dark and scary, that stress scares people away from books, especially beautifully narrated books.
That is a force, that can easily destroy an entire civilization.
Without a yearning for ones intellectual inheritance, we can’t resume, where great beings leave off.
And just spin in circles, repeating the same old mistakes.
On the trail, there is a miracle called Trail Magic, when you see someone needing help.
You take care of it, as fast as you can, with as little introduction and interference as possible.
And then you distance yourself, no thank you no bye, you just hurry on ahead, and get out of their way.
In the woods, you have to take care of your fire, always have twice as much firewood that you think you will need.
And cover it up, so that rain will only bring you fresh air, and no trouble at all.
If it ever gets too cold, move your fire to a new spot, and put your camp over the old one where the ground will kep you warm.
But, you must always guard against emergencies, you always need multiple pieces of equipment.
An if you are ever out of cell range, you need a couple of satellite communicators, always have one or more backups.
You should also sleep with your water filter, or water bottle, and again have expensive backup filters if it ever does freeze, or break.
You don’t want to drink filthily water, one hiker once semi-joked, that it takes a couple of days for the bacteria to get you, and she is near a camp.
That is not allowed, because in a dehydrated state, you then become weaker, and even more lost, always have more than one backup.
That is one of the lessons you learn from your adventure books, the other is to avoid systematic errors, where your entire intuition is wrong.
Restore your mental health, as you teleport in space and time, from one adventure to another through beautiful books.
And take care of your camp, and equipment, and make sure you always have trail-mix for power and water for health.
And non perishable food, such as bread mix, that never gets old, but with some water, yeast and honey becomes a delicious treat.
If you are thinking about going hiking for the first time, be sure to keep your car empty and keepall your valuable in the trunk.
And if you are too sophisticated for woods, you can bring a second tent, and use that as your bath, bring a battery powered fan too.
As to grizzly bears, if you cant run away, get behind them real quick, and lunge your entire arm into their butt.
Not only do they lose appetite, especially for you, they also can’t bite what they can’t and don’t want to reach.
You can the call the park rangers with your free hand, and explain that you beared your arm and need assisance.