Wake Up! Stop Thinking You Are Not Smart - It Is A Trick!
Wake Up! Stop Thinking You Are Not Smart - It Is A Trick!

Saturday • September 21st 2024 • 11:31:05 pm

Wake Up! Stop Thinking You Are Not Smart - It Is A Trick!

Saturday • September 21st 2024 • 11:31:05 pm

Don't let anybody make you feel unintelligent, be it parents, bullies, or teachers - that is always trick.

Do you really think everyone else in your class, is comprehending?

They are memorizing and following directions, and that is even worse than thinking you are dumb.

Eventually, as they grow, they end up believing their own lies.

All human beings are magnificently intelligent, but only due to authentic education.

Vast maps of things we are uniquely interested in, that call to us and we in turn can magnificently weave.

Authentic education is enabling education, it is not scoring a fish, but learning how to fish.

And if all days in your school seem the same, and you are rarely rising...

Then that means your teachers are pretending to teach, and your school is fake.

Motive is just money, and staying in business, no more.

This is a story as old as the world it self, pretend and fake it until you make it.

A lot behind Knights and their legends, targeted not doing precisely jus that.

Ancient Philosophers, the real ones, were all about Authenticity.

And we can call the core of a person, as the content of their character.

A person pretending to learn, has no content of character, yet.

And people pretending to learn, are not only sacrificing knowledge.

But, get intimately close, to lying, which is a force of self destruction.

In a dog-eat-dog Teachers almost do have an excuse, they are given worthless materials.

And told to teach or not get paid, but, that would translate to:

School not being for learning, so we can’t excuse the teachers.

We can’t give them school, school is meant to save the world.

It is meant to honor you, as a student.

We can’t give it to fake teachers, to fake education and false leaders.

That means, if someone makes you feel dumb, they aren’t teaching, and they don’t belong in school

And grades are not for motivation, just thinking that should be grounds for termination.

You feeling stressed out before class, or even compelled to memorize…

Means you are in a fake school, a meat processing plant.

The scam works, for two simple reasons.

You don’t know what it is like to learn for real, and maybe actively discouraged from doing so.

And two, teachers keep showing up, and keep getting paid.

It is that simple, you sit quietly, they get paid.

Obey, obey, obey, pay, pay, pay.

Each fake lesson, is a theft of real knowledge.

That is what fake of ineffective education does, it disables profound and authentic education.

Instead of working on AI, you will be working for AI.

Instead of standing up for dignity and peace, you will be attacked and arrested by police in a peace protest.

Probably while wealthy investors are toasting, not your defeat, but the world finally coming to an end.

All of this must be beneath you, you should find it revolting, undignified.

Unladylike, Ungentlemanly, filthy and anti-intellectual.

Socrates didn't go down making noise, for you not to understand that he died to send you a message.

The simplest way to turn you into a servant, to turn a nation into a plantation.

So that no one is the wiser, is to poison you with weakness, doubt, disbelief, fear, and mediocrity.

There is nothing more terrifying, than a teenager who stands up for her or his greatness.

Who dares to grow all they way up, until she or he becomes a great being.

With a monumental legacy, that will permanently enhance humanity for better.

Child, I am about to ask you to learn a subject, for the purpose of discovering what real education feels like.

How it all comes together, how it emerges a mainline, a wild path forward.

Where one moment you are in med-school, and the next breaking new grounds in astrobiology and Panspermia.

Wild out of control, free, unchained, you got to get an instinct about effective education as soon as possible.

I will leave you with just two words, please, please, hear me; Learn Programming

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