All Too Human
All Too Human

Friday • August 16th 2024 • 10:38:13 pm

All Too Human

Friday • August 16th 2024 • 10:38:13 pm

The experiment of life runs in parallel across the entire vastness of space, you emerged in one of the lucky patches where everything went mostly right.

You are a product of a lot of time, a lot of space, and a lot of chaos, a lucky permutation of fundamental principles of the universe.

One of the great Universal milestones is emergence of consciousness, the ability to reason and grow.

You are chemically, biologically, psychologically, and sociologically, bound to planet earth, though that will change.

There are other conscious beings, the first one we will meet will be made by us.

A self modifying, or reasoning and growing, conscious intelligence.

Some of the animals on planet Earth will gain consciousness, and five billion years we are likely take to the stars.

We will have evolved by that time, into very different beings, after all 65 million years a go, we were but a clever little mouse.

Who burrowed to survive the asteroid impact, that destroyed all the large creatures.

Consciousness is a kind of a computer, a very flexible and fluid one.

All on its own, it is purely abbot survival, and raw human beauty.

In comminutes, we begin accumulating wisdom, which is our operating system.

A consciousness can be corrupted, with bad programming, and a few other nasty things.

Religions are an example of bypassing wisdom, and directly telling people what to do with commandments.

Humans void of wisdom, however, will attack feeling that their existence is threatened.

A religion’s hold is temporary, but when pressed into a community.

Where one leaves, another will take up the slack.

It is an infinite loop, a self propagating meme, a bubble that is often used, against humanity, because it lack wisdom.

Whether the aim is halt of progress, or division, of a community of voters, a simple workforce, a step back against human rights, some mad justification, or just war.

Another example, and just as powerful as religion are Corporations, that very much operate like computers.

And ignore Human well being, from stress, to being the cause of pollution, disease and again, war.

There are many examples of bad operating systems, and in every case, they have all ended, or will end in deep regret.

With the same whimper, muttering the same words, “How were we supposed to know?”

The answer to that question is wisdom, more precisely, your wisdom, and by extension the wisdom of your generation.

Whatever stands in the way of love of wisdom, can only burden Humanity.

As in a compromise between Good and Evil, only evil can profit.

You as a conscious being, need your operating system, that is what you are asking for.

There is only one Human Operating System, and it is defined by the length of your stride…

The distance you will travel in life, and the angle at which you will meet you challenges.

The longest, and the highest, marks the winner.

When you fins something that travels farther and higher than wisdom, and if you are fully capable of making that judgment, TAKE IT!

It is however unimaginable that human beings in their right mind, will discover something greater than wisdom, and the love of it.

People, who want an illusion of power and control, and it is only illusion that they ever get.

Will go as far, as poisoning libraries with garbage books, or sometimes convincing their followers that they only need one.

They may even nerf and neuter educational systems, by keeping the teachers underpaid, uneducated, unprepared, desperate and dishonest.

Which in turn will do the same to the students, but now adding debt uncertainty, and disbelief, and military recruiters.

The operating system you need, has always been with us, as people who care about each other pass wisdom on.

Wisdom is hard, and demands that you live it, and people who fail, will try to corrupt it.

Make a copy of wisdom, but curved, to make them special.

That is why, you have to seek wise books on your own, you should not be told what to read.

Just that it should be religion free, and written by clear thinking intellectuals, who despite their many flaws created a wisdom that is pure.

Don’t worship or admire personalities, take their wisdom and leave.

You have to use narrated books best of which are stories, that distill entire lifetimes into just the wisdom.

A book may take a day or two to listen to, but your mind will multiply in age, inheriting multiple lifetimes, as if they were your own.

The creepers that try to use you to make their own existence a little bit easier, use stress to blind you, to control you.

Your fist challenge in life, is to learn to say “That’s f-cking enough”, this is the only time when the use of the f-word is perfectly justified.

At which point, you pack your backpack and go hiking and camping, where the wisest of your books play and more importantly re-play in your ear.

Travel in groups, be safe, people will come and go, but the group will ploddle and twaddle on.

Hey, it is dangerous to live in stress, to quote my doctor, “I have a pill for everything” and so does every parasite in your school and neigherhood.

Doctors often mistake bad lifestyle for an illness, and may try to turn off some of you.

So stress has to go, before your doctor tries to fix it.

All doctors are good, but ot all doctors honor the wisdom of the Hippocratic Oath, where prevention is proffered to treatment.

So you have to fix problems, before they begin.

To test if you have a problem, try to listen to a beautiful narrated book something about adventure and knowledge.

If you are too distracted to listen, enjoy, and learn, then you are unwell.

Which is what adventure is for, it pulls you out of stress.

The first few days feel like regret, like you are destroying something, but that is just the toxic stuff leaving your thoughs.

Unlike wisdom, blind control needs to be constantly driven into you, once you take to nature, and break the pipeline.

You will regain your ability to learn, to see beauty, to hear chipmunks and birds.

To feel calm, and even balance and courage in the face of thunderstorms.

You begin with overview of philosophers, starting with Socrates but also pre-socratics.

And as you learn and re-listen you begin playing the game, of spot the false leader.

You see, the good guys don’t win as often as you were lead to believe, liars will easily out compete an entire congress of wise men.

After all wisdom is hard earned, and pretending to be wise is child’s play.

And when you get tired of history, listen to books about about adventure.

Because it is really hard to forge a good adventure book, what makes an adventure book good is that every step is honest.

Aside from fake education and bad operating system, poverty is used to turn a crappy economy.

And for this, you will need to learn programming.

Start with modern JavaScript, as it branches out into most technologies.

The minor point of learning programming, is to create a series of small side-project and startups, until one sticks.

The major point, is to stop being scared of poverty, and continue learning on towards your own ends.

From a universal perspective, you are a learning consciousness.

But you must also realize that this is a processes, you may never stop growing up.

You must grow all the way up, until you become a great being.

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